Why is coding creative ?

Harshit Makhija
2 min readSep 24, 2020
return (odd <= 1);

Coding is not just syntax or logical lines. Although every line of code has a meaning and most lines have a preset grammar as per which you can form the language but that does not limit the creativity of a code. There are two things that I will be discussing in this article. One, the creativity to code, and second the creativity in a code.

Coding is basically arranging some instructions in a logical sequence to get work done. The instructions that you may use are predefined. The work you want to do, and how you want to do it contains within the sea of creativity. Here what we don’t realise is that the ‘logical sequence’ doesn’t limit our ability to design new ways to do any task. Even the most basic instructions have alternatives to use in different scenarios. Like a bigger brush and a smaller brush to paint. And in coding, you can paint any bit with 0 or 1. And the total bits you can have depends on your capabilities. Because every new bit multiples you by 2. So keep going.

1 becomes 2. 2 becomes 4. 4 becomes 8. 8 becomes 16.

Image from unplash.com

Wait, you can do the same thing with 3. What programmers do is play with a toolbox with different brushes that can help you fly from the aeroplane and plug in to your favourite music that was recorded long before you were born while you book an Uber so that you can do the same thing on a computer people used to do by hand years before someone thought spreadsheets could revolutionize finance work.

Creativity in coding is the ability to write beautiful code. Clean code. Nobody starts writing clean code. First, we try to make things work. Somehow it should work. Once it starts working and the pieces fit in together well, we try to clean the nets. Digging deeper into what can be done better.

There are many other things that coders do. To show you the beauty of something, you must be able to understand that thing well. To keep this article meaningful for the non technical community, I tried to keep it short. You may share in /*comments*/ any specific snippets of code or stories with the screen.

